- Pain in the lumbar spine
- Pain between lower ribs and iliac crest
- Pain in the thoracic spine
- pain between the shoulder blades
- Lower shoulder and neck pain
IMPORTANT: Depending on the tension in the myofascial tissue, a multi-day application of up to a week may be necessary. In case of sore muscles on the following day, a rest day should be observed between the applications. To prevent recurring tension, the application should be continued even if there are no pain symptoms.
TMX PARA in combination with TMX DOLOR
TMX® DOLOR is a warming joint and muscle gel for external use in the area of muscle tension. The intensive long-term heat effect and the active care ingredients, combined with a massage in the area of application, loosen, relax and reactivate the muscles.
Apply TMX® DOLOR to the affected areas and massage in thoroughly. A more generous application can intensify the warming effect.
If an intense feeling of warmth does not occur within the first 15 minutes, the application should be repeated. Use several times a day if necessary. A slight appearance of redness in the application area is normal and a sign of the local effect.

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