• FaceFormer ZERO + ONE Starter Set from 10 years

    Use the ZERO for beginning and continuous nighttime use. Use the ONE from the 6th-8th week for training.

    To the product 
  • FaceFormer ZERO also suitable for children from 2 years

    Perfect for children aged 2 to 10 years. Also suitable for early and nighttime training in adults

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  • FaceFormer ONE

    Available in 'clear' and 'blue'. Suitable for teenagers and adults to do Faceformer therapy.

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Du möchtest deine Therapie lieber von einem erfahrenen Coach oder Therapeuten begleiten lassen? Ob Gruppencoaching oder Einzelsitzung, ab sofort kannst du bei uns Online-Therapiesitzungen buchen.


FaceFormer Therapie 1:1 Einzelsitzung

Führe die Faceformer Therapie mit einem Coach oder Therapeuten durch. Aktuell übernimmt Dr. Berndsen die Online Sitzungen persönlich. Buche noch heute deinen ersten Termin.

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ONLINE - Gruppen-Coaching für das FaceFormer-Training: Gemeinsam zum Erfolg

In diesem Coaching kannst du nicht nur deine Unsicherheiten klären, sondern auch wertvolle Informationen über die vielfältigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des Faceformers erhalten. Erfahre, wie er dir bei deinen Beschwerden helfen kann und profitiere von Lenas Expertise und den Erfahrungen anderer Teilnehmer. Dieses Treffen ist die perfekte Gelegenheit, um dich umfassend zu informieren und zu entscheiden, ob der Faceformer das passende Werkzeug für deine Gesundheit ist.

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Aktuelle Angebote

  • Become a FaceFormer expert - training to become...

    Are you a doctor, therapist or coach? Then expand your Treatment repertoire to include an indispensable causal therapy and training method based on completely new principles of neuroscience Expand your knowledge about the...

    Become a FaceFormer expert - training to become...

    Are you a doctor, therapist or coach? Then expand your Treatment repertoire to include an indispensable causal therapy and training method based on completely new principles of neuroscience Expand your knowledge about the...

  • FaceFormer® Therapy - Here's how it works!

    Regular FaceFormer training has an effective influence on cranial nerve functions and brain performance, on pattern formation and coordination, on the tension of tissue, muscles and skin in the mouth,...

    FaceFormer® Therapy - Here's how it works!

    Regular FaceFormer training has an effective influence on cranial nerve functions and brain performance, on pattern formation and coordination, on the tension of tissue, muscles and skin in the mouth,...


    Typical areas of application Frequent applications and indications for FaceFormer therapy Dizziness and Menier's disease headaches and migraines Activation of cranial nerve functions Disorders of head balance and body statics...


    Typical areas of application Frequent applications and indications for FaceFormer therapy Dizziness and Menier's disease headaches and migraines Activation of cranial nerve functions Disorders of head balance and body statics...

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FaceFormer ZERO the soft

"The FaceFormer ZERO, a softer training device compared to the FaceFormer ONE, offers a high level of comfort due to its gentle adaptation to the gums. It is ideal for children from 2 to 10 years and for adults in their first 6-8 weeks of training. After this period For adults, it is advisable to switch to the FaceFormer ONE in order to exploit the full training potential. However, the ZERO remains more suitable for adults for permanent night-time use."

To the product

Children training with the FaceFormer

Doctor, therapist or coach?

Then expand your treatment repertoire with an indispensable causal therapy and training method based on completely new principles of neuroscience . Expand your knowledge of the importance of the basic functions of swallowing, breathing and body statics for a healthy body. Learn about an interdisciplinary, professional diagnostic approach . But above all, how you can correct these basic functions in practice in your patients and clients with the proven and rapidly spreading FaceFormer therapy .

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