Poster Bundle Face Former + Functional Space Mouth
With this poster set you get the "Face Former" and "Functional Space Mouth" poster at a special price.
Face Former Poster
Whether it is ENT, orthodontics, speech therapy or physiotherapy, the Face Former has become an indispensable part of practices. Its use in the respective therapies is constantly growing. As a result, we have received more and more requests for media for presentation in waiting and treatment rooms. In the almost 20 years of Face Former therapy, children in particular, but also many adults, have repeatedly asked for different colors of the Face Former. This is where the idea for this poster came from. We simply let our imagination run wild when it came to coloring the Face Former. The poster already hangs in various rooms in our practice and the reaction to it has always been positive. But also a little regretful, because we cannot (yet) supply the colors. But who knows what the future will bring.
Functional space mouth poster
Frequently requested by doctors and therapists for their waiting and treatment rooms, it is now finally available. The poster on the functional space of the mouth. Ever since Dr. Berndsen coined the term Cranio Cervical Dysfunction Syndrome, or CCDS for short, it has always been important to him to represent this appropriately graphically. This is how this graphic "Functional Space of the Mouth" with its four central functional areas came about. The graphic shows very clearly how the interaction of the four functional areas of the central nervous system, neck, nose and mouth & throat forms the functional space of the mouth. Malfunctions in the highly complex interaction of the areas lead to CCDS. The functional area of the mouth & throat plays a key role in this. This is where the Face Former Therapy comes in to eliminate the malfunctions.
Mass: 420x594 mm, DIN A2 portrait format
Constitutively dominant function of swallowing in the context of the CCDS
We answer the questions by first making clear the difference between symptomatic and causal treatments. Symptomatic therapies dominate everyday medical practice, but often achieve no or only temporary improvements. They are emergency solutions that are used because the causes are not known. However, only causal therapies are able to effectively and permanently eliminate diseases.
With FaceFormer therapy, we treat a complex of causes that are linked to many symptoms of illness. Our many years of research have shown that disorders of "constitutive dominant functions" (Berndsen/Berndsen) result in numerous symptoms, the causal relationship of which is still unclear. With the use of FaceFormer therapy and the associated treatment of the functional disorders, the symptoms are reduced continuously in most cases, often to the point of complete resolution.
We have shown the interactive processes of the functional chains of the head in our diagram “Functional space of the mouth”. With this article we begin to explain the scientific and practical connections that accompany FaceFormer therapy.

Keine Lust alleine zu trainieren?
FaceFormer Gruppen Coaching
In diesem Coaching kannst du nicht nur deine Unsicherheiten klären, sondern auch wertvolle Informationen über die vielfältigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des Faceformers erhalten. Erfahre, wie er dir bei deinen Beschwerden helfen kann und profitiere von Lenas Expertise und den Erfahrungen anderer Teilnehmer. Dieses Treffen ist die perfekte Gelegenheit, um dich umfassend zu informieren und zu entscheiden, ob der Faceformer das passende Werkzeug für deine Gesundheit ist.
Tipps für Eltern
Tipps für Eltern

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FaceFormer Behandlerverzeichnis
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