Taking good care of our teeth and gums is important, but not always easy. Chronic mouth breathing or poor oral hygiene can cause around 70% of us to develop gum problems at some point in our lives. These can lead to more serious health problems, so it is important to protect yourself as early as possible. The GUM ActiVital range is specially designed to protect your teeth and gums for life and prevent problems before they occur. The multifunctional GUM ActiVital mouthwash helps us keep our mouth healthy in the long term. It can be used twice a day for at least 30 seconds after brushing.
Ginger and pomegranate are extracts from natural plants (ginger is extracted from the rhizome, pomegranate from the fruit).
Bisabolol occurs naturally in some plants (e.g. chamomile); however, due to its longer shelf life, it is often produced by chemical synthesis. This synthetic variant is used in GUM ActiVital mouthwash.
Despite the very low likelihood of an allergic reaction, we cannot recommend the use of the mouthwash in a person with a fructose allergy or intolerance.

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