The FaceFormer ONE
The FaceFormer, a Class 1 medical device, is made of medical Elastosil and is guaranteed to be free of harmful substances. The therapy aims to correct faulty functional processes that can affect various symptoms. For two decades, FaceFormer therapy has been a recognized functional treatment method, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by several scientific studies. The main goal of this therapy is to correct basic functions in order to ensure comprehensive treatment of the causes.
FaceFormer therapy trains swallowing function, head posture and nasal breathing in a natural, coordinated movement pattern.
Scope of delivery:
- 1 FaceFormer in blue or crystal clear
- 1 hygienically ventilated storage box, color of your choice
- 1 exercise calendar
- 1 detailed exercise guide
- free training app
Use the effective FaceFormer training for the following disorders/illnesses:
- Snoring, sleep apnea and breathing pauses
- Muscle weakness and paralysis of the mouth or face region
- Breaking the habit of mouth breathing and getting used to nasal breathing
- Craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD)
- Pressure equalization problems in the middle ear
- Sudden hearing loss, tinnitus and Meniere's disease (vertigo attacks)
- Head, face and neck pain
- Swallowing disorders (dysphagia)
- Disturbed chewing functions
- Tongue dysfunction
- Disorders of cranial nerve functions
Simple exercises - big impact
Train with the free training app!
Or watch our YouTube Live Trainings

Keine Lust alleine zu trainieren?
FaceFormer Gruppen Coaching
In diesem Coaching kannst du nicht nur deine Unsicherheiten klären, sondern auch wertvolle Informationen über die vielfältigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des Faceformers erhalten. Erfahre, wie er dir bei deinen Beschwerden helfen kann und profitiere von Lenas Expertise und den Erfahrungen anderer Teilnehmer. Dieses Treffen ist die perfekte Gelegenheit, um dich umfassend zu informieren und zu entscheiden, ob der Faceformer das passende Werkzeug für deine Gesundheit ist.
Tipps für Eltern
Tipps für Eltern

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FaceFormer Behandlerverzeichnis
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