The success of the FaceFormer therapy stands and falls with the training. Consistent execution of the exercises is important for success. However, especially with children, the lack of motivation often stands in the way. So we created the My Facy Success Book to help keep them motivated. In the Success Book, rewards are contractually agreed between the child, parents and therapist. A goal and a special final reward after reaching the goal are recorded. In addition, smaller sub-rewards can be set for each week and each month. For each workout per day, the child will receive a My Facy stamp in the Achievement Book. When the week or month is stamped, the child receives their reward. The rewards should be based on the child's preferences so that they can be effective. You can find some suggestions for rewards in our newsletter Easier and still train properly .
Scope of delivery:
My Facy success book, 12 x 12 cm

Keine Lust alleine zu trainieren?
FaceFormer Gruppen Coaching
In diesem Coaching kannst du nicht nur deine Unsicherheiten klären, sondern auch wertvolle Informationen über die vielfältigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des Faceformers erhalten. Erfahre, wie er dir bei deinen Beschwerden helfen kann und profitiere von Lenas Expertise und den Erfahrungen anderer Teilnehmer. Dieses Treffen ist die perfekte Gelegenheit, um dich umfassend zu informieren und zu entscheiden, ob der Faceformer das passende Werkzeug für deine Gesundheit ist.
Tipps für Eltern
Tipps für Eltern

Du suchst einen Arzt oder Therapeuten in Ihrer Nähe?
FaceFormer Behandlerverzeichnis
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