The FaceFormer advantage package is perfect for doctors and therapists who want to give their patients a gentle introduction to FaceFormer therapy.
With the purchase of this value package you will receive five complete starter sets and save 20% compared to buying them individually. Each set includes:
- 1 FaceFormer ZERO in yellow
- 1 FaceFormer ONE in crystal clear
- 2 hygienically ventilated storage boxes in black and white
- 1 exercise calendar
- 1 detailed exercise guide
In addition, you get access to our free training app, which offers valuable support for efficient training.
FaceFormer therapy activates muscles, functions and cranial nerve activity in the head, face, mouth and throat regions. It has a wide range of applications and its effectiveness in various disorders has been convincingly proven by various scientific studies. The therapy can be used as a sole treatment or in combination with other methods.
We recommend the use of FaceFormer therapy for the following disorders/diseases:
- snoring, sleep apnea and breathing pauses
- Muscle weakness and paralysis of the mouth or face region
- Breaking the habit of breathing through the mouth and getting used to breathing through the nose
- Craniomandibular Dysfunction (CMD)
- Pressure equalization problems in the middle ear
- Hearing loss, tinnitus and Meniere's disease (rotational attacks)
- Head, face and neck pain
- Swallowing disorders (dysphagia)
- Disturbed chewing functions
- tongue malfunctions
- disorders of the cranial nerve functions
- Tooth and jaw misalignments
Why you should choose the starter set
FaceFormer® ZERO & ONE therapy set for adults
This therapy set includes the FaceFormer ZERO and FaceFormer ONE models. Both are class 1 medical devices made from medical grade Elastosil and are BPA free and volatile free. They are specially designed to train the muscles around the lips and promote physiologically correct movement patterns.
Differences of the models:
FaceFormer® ZERO :
- Material : Softer medical Elastosil®, ideal for entry.
- Use : Recommended for the first 6-8 weeks to use during the day; from the 2nd week also at night.
- Night use : The softer material makes it particularly suitable for night use and minimizes irritation.
FaceFormer® ONE :
- Material : Stronger medical grade Elastosil®.
- Application : After the first 6-8 weeks you should switch to this model for daytime training.
- Objective : The higher resistance serves to intensify the training and promotes the muscle tone required for the lip closure.
Recommended application schedule:
- Week 1-8 : Start using the FaceFormer ZERO for daytime training.
- From week 2 : Add use of the FaceFormer ZERO during the night.
- After week 8 : Switch to the FaceFormer ONE for daytime training to further increase muscle tone.
Free training app
Use the free FaceFormer training app!
The app guides you through the training and helps you to do the training correctly.
Document your personal training success and chat with our team of experts if you have any questions about the training.

Keine Lust alleine zu trainieren?
FaceFormer Gruppen Coaching
In diesem Coaching kannst du nicht nur deine Unsicherheiten klären, sondern auch wertvolle Informationen über die vielfältigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des Faceformers erhalten. Erfahre, wie er dir bei deinen Beschwerden helfen kann und profitiere von Lenas Expertise und den Erfahrungen anderer Teilnehmer. Dieses Treffen ist die perfekte Gelegenheit, um dich umfassend zu informieren und zu entscheiden, ob der Faceformer das passende Werkzeug für deine Gesundheit ist.
Tipps für Eltern
Tipps für Eltern

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