By Event

2025 - DE, NRW - Unna - Basic and practical seminar: CCDS - Cranio-cervical dysfunction syndrome / FaceFormer therapy

Regular price €489,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €489,00 EUR
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TicketType: 28.03.2025 - 29.03.2025
Hersteller: Event
Verfügbarkeit: In stock
FaceFormer® ONE blue
Dr. Berndsen GmbHFaceFormer® ONE blue
Regular price €489,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €489,00 EUR

Announcement of training seminar

Location: 59423 Unna, Südring 17
Date: various dates in April and November 2024

Speakers: Dr. Klaus Berndsen and Sabine Berndsen

Causal treatment for CCDS - Cranio-Cervical Dysfunction Syndrome
Theory and practice: diagnosis, therapy, exercises, patient presentation
Day 1, 09.00 h to 17.00 h

  • Cranio-Cervicales Function Model
    • External system - head posture, head stabilization
    • Inland system
      • Oro-vestibular interaction segment
      • Oro-pharyngeal interaction segment

Coffee break 11.00 a.m. to 11.15 a.m.

  • Naso-pharyngeal interaction segment
  • Oro-hyoid interaction segment

13.00 h to 14.00 h lunch break

  • Neuroscientific basis of FaceFormer therapy
  • Basic diagnostics for FaceFormer therapy
  • Practical exercises for FaceFormer therapy – basic exercises

End 17.00 h
Evening program from 6 p.m. Visit to the International Light Art Museum in Unna (separate registration required)

Day 2, 09.00 to 14.00 h

  • Explanations of selected symptoms in terms of causes and effects
  • FaceFormer Therapy Training App
  • Advanced therapy training program

Coffee break 11.00 a.m. to 11.15 a.m.

  • Selected disorders
  • Patient presentation
  • Position of FaceFormer Therapy

End 2 p.m.
From 2.30 pm Colloquium to acquire a certificate

Two days 378,00 €
Certification Colloquium

Speakers Dr. Klaus and Sabine Berndsen (ISST-Unna)

The success of FaceFormer therapy has been documented many times through scientific evidence and patient reports. Even patients who had previously been treated unsuccessfully with other methods for many years saw improvements after a short time when they used the FF method. They were often only guided by a short manual that came with the FaceFormer.

However, professional users of FaceFormer therapy cannot be satisfied with brief information. Successful work requires a broad understanding of therapy. The FaceFormer is the training device used to carry out FaceFormer therapy and is based on a comprehensive concept of theory and practice.

FaceFormer therapy is based on neuroscientific research approaches. It aims to treat dysfunctions in cranio-cervical interaction segments using "exercise therapy". If such deviations exist, functions are adjusted in a compensatory manner, a prerequisite for numerous disease developments with different symptoms. Symptomatic treatments are fundamentally unsuitable for bringing about lasting improvements: Pharmacological, supporting, guiding and holding aids only work - if at all - when used immediately. Symptomatic long-term therapies often make the diseases worse. Without corrective training therapy, behavior, habits, movements, postures, tensions, patterns and reflexes cannot be changed, and functional pain conditions cannot be resolved. But exercise treatments can also be unsuccessful if they ignore neurophysiological control mechanisms. If exercises deviate too far from physiological patterns and from the development-proximal course, treatments are unnecessarily extended and the desired success is not achieved.

FaceFormer therapy places functional relationships in a causal context and highlights relevant diagnostic features. The exercises are precisely oriented towards physiological patterns and their complex functional chains. They create central stimuli and thus the successful reversal of malfunctions.

The seminar will discuss the theoretical and practical foundations of FaceFormer therapy, cause/symptom relationships and its position in relation to other methods.

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